Dr. Linda Duffett-Leger (University of Calgary)

2022 Winner: Outstanding Achievement in AI/ML Advancement – Social Innovation

WINNER: Dr. Linda Duffett-Leger, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary

Initiative: Creating Scalable Digital Solutions to Support the Mental Health and Wellness of Albertans

A nursing leader whose sustained program of innovative research is leveraging digital technologies to solve real-world health challenges for individuals, families, healthcare providers, and communities. The awards she has received have included: the Faculty of Nursing Excellence in Research Award, and the UNB Alumni Award of Distinction for her research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and knowledge engagement activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The team is focused on the urgently needed virtual delivery of mental health and wellness programs, to mitigate the lifelong consequences of socio-environmental adversities on health and psychological outcomes. Developing artificial intelligence (AI) enabled smart tools – decision support and programs by other researchers will become more accessible to clinicians and the public they serve.