Entos Pharmaceuticals

2022 Winner: Outstanding Achievement in Health – Pharmaceutical

WINNER: Entos Pharmaceuticals 

Initiative: Ushering in a New Era of Genetic Medicines

Entos Pharmaceuticals develops next generation genetic medicines with Entos’ proprietary Fusogenix proteolipid vehicle (PLV) drug delivery system – and has partnered with pharmaceutical companies, sister companies, and in-house programs to develop genetic therapies that will change the way diseases are treated and cured. Entos is passionate about playing a role in the development of Alberta as a global leader in the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Lewis is the Bird Dogs Chair in Translational Oncology at the University of Alberta. As a scientist and serial entrepreneur, he pioneered the use of intravital imaging in the in vivo study of tumour cell invasion and metastasis to discover key targets for cancer therapeutics. Dr. Lewis also develops novel nanotechnology, nanoparticle drug delivery technologies, and imaging-based treatments for chronic diseases, such as aging and cancer, as well as for early detection of cancers.