Kryzanowski, Mr. Tony

2001 Winner: Journalism: Specialized Publications

Making Technical Material Easily Understood

Tony Kryzanowski, contributing editor to the “Logging and Sawmilling Journal”, epitomizes quality science journalism. Tony writes in a manner that is easily understood; more often than not, the issues he writes about relate to highly technical and scientific material about forest management.

Compelling Topics

In March 2000, Tony wrote an article titled “Leap of Faith”, and sidebar titled “Key to New Approach is Monitoring”. In the area of mixed wood management, he provides an accurate, balanced and complete explanation of current research taking place in Alberta. He outlines a new forest management proposal for the responsible harvesting and regeneration of Alberta’s mixed boreal forest. The article provides expert testimony on what the approach entails, as well as its pros and cons. Tony also takes the approach one step further, by summarizing its national implications, considering that the vast majority of forest in Canada is comprised of millions of hectares of mixed wood stands.

Tony, a resident of St. Albert, has written for this specialized publication for more than 10 years. His articles frequently provide new and responsible approaches to forest management. He has also written about various logging subjects, detailed new forest management methodologies, and effectively described new technologies and equipment used in the industry. Over the years, Tony has played an important role in educating readers, loggers, and forest companies about these and many other forestry related issues.