Dr. Aman Ullah & Dr. Tariq Siddique (University of Alberta)

2022 Winner: Outstanding Achievement in Energy and Environment – Environmental Innovation in Energy Applications

WINNER: Dr. Aman Ullah, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences & Dr. Tariq Siddique, Renewable Resources (University of Alberta)

Initiative: Biopolymer Based Adsorbents for Water and Tailing Remediation

Dr. Ullah focuses on chemical conversions of biomass and synthesis of Biopolymers, Biochemicals, Biocomposites, Bionanocomposites, Biosorbents and Bioconjugates from Lipids & other Renewable Resources for Industrial Applications.

Dr. Siddique studies the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons under anaerobic conditions; metabolic pathways of hydrocarbon degradation; molecular fingerprinting of hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities, and the Biogeochemistry of oil sands tailings ponds.

This work shows that natural biopolymers are equally effective for the flocculation of clays to enhance tailings consolidation and can provide a better alternative to the existing synthetic polymers – and can be a game changer in industrial wastewater treatment and consolidation of produced tailings.